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What Local Churches Can Do

More than 400,000 children are in the foster care system, according to the U.S. Children’s Bureau. Yet there is hardly a county in our nation where we have enough quality foster parents available for case workers to place children in crisis.

Case workers are burning out at an alarming rate. Few have the luxury of matching the needs of a child to a foster family. Any empty bed they can find will have to do.

Many churches have heard this call of desperation for more foster parents and are promoting foster care as a ministry. Nevertheless, we are losing about half of interested families during the arduous 30 hours of licensing training. And half of those who make it through the licensing process leave the foster care ministry in their first year.

Children whose lives are already disrupted experience further traumatization by the failure of their foster placement. Foster parents who intended to do good are left feeling like a failure.

Foster care is in a crisis, and we believe only the Church can provide a viable solution to the problem. Here are five things the local church can do to increase placement stability in foster care:

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